Patch Notes for:
- Patch
This patch was released on March 10, 2022.
The original post can be viewed on Foundry's Discord.
- Fixed a typo: Concentraded -> Concentrated (Thanks Jamesac68)
- Removed world decor shattering toggle, we will be doing a pass on audio issue with decor shattering
- Optimized vram usage by reducing mesh memory usage
Bug fixes
- Fixed an error that could occur when caching the news message
- Fixed an issue where for one frame you could sometimes see the sky behind the terrain when turning the camera
- Fixed an issue where using the power tool could cause significant performance drops when standing near large quantities of buildings (thanks zytukin)
v · d · ePatches |
| Alpha |
Experimental 0.2 | | | Experimental 0.3 | | | Experimental 0.4 | |