Patch 0.3 (Experimental)
Patch Notes for:
- Patch 0.3.
This patch was released on April 13, 2021.
The original post can be viewed on Foundry's Discord.
Update 0.3 brings a fully reworked energy system, re-balanced recipes, optimized performance and a couple of new machines on top of countless bugfixes and usability improvements.
New Features
- Underground Mining
- Freight Elevator
- Character Elevator
- Throwable explosives
- Added geological scanner
- Added three different doors
- Added wall-mounted power pole
- Added new debug console
- Added many new icons
- Added filter loader
User Interface & Environment
- Added custom lighting system
- Reworked application startup procedure to show progress
- Added option for head bob when walking
- Added and reworked info db pages
- Added distance-based terrain noise tinting
- Added color-tint system for trees and other world decor to have more variance in vegetation
User Experience
- Changed the way conveyor slopes auto-snap positions them
- Pipette Tool: Copy target building (equip the current target for building)
- Autosaves can now be hidden at the load-game window
- Added options to invert first person mouse controls
- New sounds for walking/running on stone/metal
- Return key can now be used to submit input fields
- Added automatic loader snapping (can be toggled in options)
- Ported parts of the simulation to support multi-threading
- Performance improvements around conveyor item rendering
- Framecap is now set to 60FPS by default, to prevent GPU strain
- Upgraded engine to newest LTS version
- Improved performance around renderchunks and fixed a critical time calculation issue related to chunk updating
- Improved performance by adding more impostors
- Improved particle system performance
- New settings: 75 & 100 FPS Framecap
- Reworked energy system (see dev blog #18)
- Rebalanced some crafting recipes and introduced new ones
Bug fixes
- Fixed minor jumping item issue on conveyor belt
- Fixed issue with multiplayer inventory size research
- General minor bugfixes and performance improvements