Patch Notes for:
- Patch 0.2.2.
This patch was released on October 21, 2020.
The original post can be viewed on Foundry's official website, as well as Discord.
New Features
- Added languages and localization support
User Interface & Environment
- Replaced tutorial message system with information database
- Added new information database page about combustion generator and Ignium ore
- Changed drone miner ore highlight color to blue so that it doesn't match with the placeholder color of the drone miner
- Increased info message size slightly
- Increased light brightness
- Added glowing VFX to lights when enabled
- Reworked demolition highlighter so that it is visible when the player is inside (e.g. Research Lab)
- Reworked and fixed crafting tooltip input color system (red = missing materials, yellow = can be crafted, green = available)
User Experience
- Terrain blocks can now be drag-built
- If you have a buildable object equipped and control-clicked a machine to use the recipe copy tool it will no longer build the machine, recipe copy tool takes priority
- Loader now cannot be placed on invalid positions (above conveyor distribute, chests, ...) anymore
- Added bulk demolish mode (demolish multiple objects at once)
- Alt+TAB no longer cycles hotkey bar if default hotkey TAB is used
- Added auto-climb for terrain and building parts (optional, needs to be enabled in settings)
- Increased mining drill range by 25%
Bug fixes
- Fixed crash bug when mining at upper end of world
- Fixed issue where terrain could be built inside of buildings
- Fixed mining drill animation to spin correctly
- Fixed white bars on main menu for 21:9 and similar screen ratios
v · d · ePatches |
| Alpha |
Experimental 0.2 | | | Experimental 0.3 | | | Experimental 0.4 | |