Mods & Tools
This page lists links to external online tools that can help you in playing by providing e.g. map locations, crafting recipes, factory ratios.
Tools don't need to be installed and are used outside the game. Some examples are online calculators and spreadsheets for planning bigger works.
Name | Description | Ext. Link | to Patch | Modder | Creator |
Foundry Calculator | Simple web-based calculator for the game Foundry to Calculate Factories | Website | erkle64 | KirkMcDonald | |
Foundry Mod Manager | A mod manager to automatically download and update mods. | Website | erkle64 |
Mods expand the normal game experience and need to be installed most of the time into your local Game folder. Also visit the Discord #modding-Channel for the newest Stuff regarding Mods and chat with the modders.
Some Mods are incompatible with each other. Installing a mod could corrupt a savegame, so make sure to make a backup beforehand.
Name | Description | Ext. Link | Multiplayer | to Patch | Modder | Creator |
Duplicationer | A Blueprint, copy, and paste tool. | Github | Unknown | Unknown | erkle64 | erkle64 |
Fastminer | A simple mod to make the drill and laser super fast | Github | No | Unknown | erkle64 | erkle64 |
LazyCrafter | A mod to add a quick craft button. It will craft the currently selected item in the hot bar | Github | No | Unknown | erkle64 | erkle64 |
BulkDemolishTerrain | A mod to make bulk demolish remove terrain in the game Foundry | Github | No | - | erkle64 | erkle64 |
Embiggenator | A mod to embiggen things. Changes the character inventory size. 72 by default | Github | No | Unknown | erkle64 | erkle64 |
Tweakificator | A mod for the game Foundry to allow tweaking it with JSON files | Github | No | Unknown | erkle64 | erkle64 |
FoundryCommands | Adds various commands to the chat box in the game Foundry | Github | No | Unknown | erkle64 | erkle64 |
JustTheTooltip | Adds extra details to tooltips | Github | No | Unknown | erkle64 | erkle64 |
Blox Mod | Add some Color and cool Textures to your game | Website | ? | Tweakificator | zytukin | zytukin |
Recipes collection | Adds/changes Recipes. | | Maybe | Tweakificator | SGZ-Creations | erkle64 |