Ceiling Light I

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Ceiling Light I
Ceiling Light I
Requires Foundation
Type: Low Voltage Grid (LVG)
Width 1
Length 1
Height 1

Ceiling Light I is a lighting fixture designed for placement on ceilings, providing illumination and ambiance to indoor spaces. It requires a foundation with power to function.


Ceiling Light I can be crafted using the following inputs:

Ceiling Light (view)
Inputs  Xenoferrite Plates 2
 Electronic Components 1
Outputs  Ceiling Light I 1
Made By Character 0.67
 Assembler I 2
 Assembler II 1.33
 Assembler III 1

Research and Unlock

Ceiling Light I can be unlocked by researching "Lights II" in the Research Server. This research requires 40x Research Pack I and 40x Research Pack II.

These lights need to be attached to a foundation with power in order to function.